What do you think about this question that children’s grooming responsibility is entirely on their teachers instead of their parents? Some parents usually reply during the PTM that their child is spending most of the days in school with his/her teacher. Is it so?
I don’t think teachers are bound for grooming the children and parents are not responsible. I think children first school is their home and then school building. Children learns when they are in their womb of her mother and their grooming start there so how we can say teachers are more responsible for grooming. If parents are blaming in PTM then they have to educate. First groom your child at home and give time to their children then talk to teachers . But,but teachers also second womb of the children so we can’t say grooming totally depend upon parents but also on teachers . Our institution are responsible for this as in Japanese learns their civilization in their schools. So parents and institution are play vital role in grooming.